Short-term parking:
In all of the airport’s parking lots, parking up to 5 hours is free for holders of a valid handicapped parking badge validated by the Ministry of Transport.
Parking time exceeding the first 5 hours incurs payment according to the rates of the parking lot where the vehicle is parked.
* The exemption from payment is granted only to the holder of the badge and provided that the vehicle’s license plate number matches the one listed on the handicapped parking badge.
Under the Disabled Parking Law, 5754-1993, the parking badge is intended for the personal use of the handicapped person alone. Use of the handicapped parking badge is permitted only while the handicapped person is driving or riding the vehicle with a companion. An unauthorized person using the badge is committing a criminal offense punishable by payment of a fine.
How do I obtain the payment exemption?
Drive to the parking lot’s exit barriers in any of the lanes. Press the payment machine’s help button (intercom) or call the control post from your mobile phone, at 03-9752550, Extension 4.
Follow the controller’s instruction and display your handicapped parking badge at the designated spot.
After a quick check of the badge information, vehicle information and time of parking, you will be issued the exemption from payment and the barrier will open for free passage.
Long-term parking (over 24 hours):
No free parking is available for holders of a handicapped parking badge who are parking their vehicle for the long term.
Parking for over 5 hours incurs payment according to the parking lot’s rates.
Handicapped parking spots are marked according to the required standard and are located as near as possible to the service stations.
Payment is determined according to the rates of the parking lot where the vehicle is parked.
* A long-term parking spot relief for holders of a handicapped parking badge bearing a
wheelchair symbol (a Blue Badge) only:
Passengers possessing a blue parking badge (bearing a wheelchair symbol) can have their parking arranged in the parking lot adjacent to Terminal 3, on payment terms identical to those of the main long-term parking lot.
How do I obtain the exemption from payment?
Drive to the parking lot’s exit barriers in any of the lanes. Press the payment machine’s help button (intercom) or call the control post from your mobile phone, at 03-9752550, Extension 4.
Follow the controller’s instruction and display your handicapped parking badge at the designated spot.
After a quick check of the badge information, vehicle information and time of parking, you will be issued the exemption from payment and the barrier will open for free passage.
Additional information:
The charge is determined according to the parking lot’s rates.
For more information, please call the parking lots control post by telephone at 03-9752551, 03-9752550.
The parking lots’ aisles have lowered curbs at designated locations.
All parking lots have expanded, accessible elevators.
Shuttles – all passenger buses are accessible to
assisted populations in accordance with the regulations. You can ask the driver to assist you at any time.