Allenby - Fees
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According to Israel Airports Authority regulations "Fees at Border Terminals" (1994), each departing traveler is required to pay a passage fee. The rates in NIS are updated once a year (January 1st), and linked to the consumer price index (CPI).
Fee Rates for Crossing Land Border Terminals 2024
Ways of paying the fee:
- At all Postal Bank offices in Israel with no additional commission*. The voucher purchased at the Postal Bank must be cashed into tolls at Milgam’s branch at the terminal.
- At the offices of the border terminal’s financial operator (Milgam) for an additional counter commission of NIS 6.
- On Milgam’s website by credit card. To pay, click here.
* Payment at the Postal Bank is in cash or by bank draft. The voucher is issued at the bank when the payment is made. The fee voucher at the postal bank is limited to payment for only 100 passengers. However, “multi-receipting” is possible – that is to say, paying by means of a bank draft split into several installments according to the above restriction – up to 100 fees per voucher and a corresponding number of vouchers.
The following passengers are exempted from paying a crossing fee (pursuant to Section 2-B of the Airports Authority (Fees at the Land Crossing Terminals) Regulations, 5755-1994:
- A person exiting Israel and bearing a diplomatic passport or a certificate certifying him to be a member of the United Nations serving in UNTSO or a member of the Multinational Force or the International Red Cross.
- A person under the age of two years.
- The driver of a minibus or public bus, in the course of carrying out his duties of transporting passengers from or to Israel.
- The driver of a commercial vehicle exiting Israel in a commercial vehicle driven by him in the course of carrying out his duties of transporting freights from or to Israel.
- A taxi driver exiting Israel in a taxi driven by him in the course of carrying out his duties of transporting passengers from or to Israel.
- A person participating in rescue searches, in the provision of medical assistance to injured persons and in another humanitarian activity.
- A member of a government delegation crossing at Arava Terminal, Jordan River Terminal or Allenby Terminal for the purpose of carrying out his duties of negotiating between Israel and a neighboring country, as part of one of the Regular Joint Committees, who has been included in a list approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- The holder of a VIP passport / laissez-passer issued pursuant to the Interim Agreement Between Israel and the Palestinians of 4 Tishrei 5756 (September 28, 1995), in accordance with a determination made by the Joint Higher Civil Committee of Israel and the Palestinian Party, within the meaning of such determination in such agreement; the chief delegate of the Israeli party will notify the Airports Authority of the content of such determination.
- An official of the UN’s Refugee Welfare and Employment Agency, crossing at Arava Terminal, Jordan River Terminal or Allenby Terminal, who has been included in a list approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for such purpose.