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Terms of Use for the Ilan and Asaf Ramon Airport Application


We thank you for choosing to use the Ilan and Assaf Ramon Airport Application (hereinafter: the "Application") managed and operated by the Israel Airports Authority (hereinafter: the "Authority") and/or anyone on its behalf.

As you enter the Application, and before performing any action through the Application, or making any use of the service or any information contained within the Application and/or its features, you are hereby requested to carefully review these terms of use (the "Terms of Use") and the privacy policy attached thereto (the "Privacy Policy") and agree to the services agreement.

The purpose of these Terms of Use is to regulate the relationship between the Authority and any person, corporation or other entity that will use the Application and/or information and/or service, of any kind, that is contained within the Application and/or which may be obtained through the Application (hereinafter: the "User"). Any use of the Application is subject to the Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy, as they shall be updated from time to time by the Authority, both of which shall be available for review within the Application and on the Authority's website at

Entering the Application and signing the services agreement contained therein and/or using the Services, the Applications and/or the information presented therein constitutes and expresses your agreement to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and by doing so you declare that you have read, are aware of and agree to the Terms of Use, and agree to act in accordance to them without limitation or reservation. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy, you are thereby requested not to use this Application.

Reference herein to the masculine gender and the singular pronoun, shall also mean the feminine gender and the plural pronoun, and vice versa.

The Authority reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update and/or modify the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy from time to time and without any prior notice to the user, and these conditions will be in effect from the moment they are made public within the Application. The user shall not be required to re-approve the Terms of Use following such update for it to be effective in connection with him, but the user can disconnect from the service and erase the Application, at any time, at his discretion.

The Authority reserves the right to terminate the Application's activity at any time, for any period of time, for maintenance or for any other purpose or reason. Such termination shall not require prior notice or reasoning whatsoever.

For any questions regarding the Application and the services provided by it, please contact us by e-mail:

Information to be provided by the User

The User hereby declares and warrants that all details and information provided by him, to the extent he will be required to do so, as part of the Application usage and/or for the purpose of receiving any service through the Application, are correct, complete and accurate and that he submitted the information in its own name and for himself only and not on behalf of and/or for any third party, except in cases where he has been expressly permitted to do so, according to the Terms of Use.

The User declares that he is competent to perform binding legal actions. In the event that the User is a minor (under the age of 18) or is not entitled to perform legal acts without the consent of a guardian, usage of the Application shall be seen as though duly legally made, including consent to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy. The collection and the use of information about the User is subject to the Privacy Policy and the provisions of the Law.

It is clarified that the Authority reserves the right to change, all at its sole discretion, the method of registration to the Application at any time.

The User acknowledges and agrees that in the usage of the Application, the Application may collect personal information about the User, his mobile phone, his tablet, or any other device through which the Application is used (including the IP address of the device, the device's serial number, browser type, language settings, geographic location etc.). It is hereby clarified that all such information, provided that it is kept, shall be kept by the Authority in accordance with the Privacy Policy and the provisions of the Law.

Application Usage

It is forbidden to make unauthorized use of the Application. The Application and its contents may not be used for any illegal purpose or for any purpose prohibited by these Terms of Use and/or the provisions of the Law. The Application may not be used in a manner that could harm the Application, the contents therein, or interfere with the use of the Application by any other party.

It is forbidden to attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Application, services, content, or computer systems or networks connected to the Application and/or to obtain or attempt to obtain any services or information by means that not intentionally made available to the user by the Authority.

The Authority may, in its sole discretion, suspend or block, temporarily or permanently, the User's access to the content of the Application in cases of violation of the provisions of the Law or the Terms of Use of this Application, or if there is interference of any kind with the proper operation of the Application or of the Authority's computer systems or infringement of intellectual property rights of the Authority or of any other party, and the user shall have no claim or demand in such case.

Receipt of Notifications through the Application

As an inseparable part of the usage of the Application and the services provided thereby, the User may be sent messages and various updates, including through Push Notifications, even when the Application is closed or turned off, provided that the User has not deactivated the relevant function of his device.

It is hereby clarified that the Authority will be entitled to send any User who gave his consent, e-mail and/or text messages containing proposals and marketing material and/or commercial offers and advertisements on behalf of the Authority, which comply with the provisions of Section 30A of the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasts)-1982. The User may, at any time, notify the Authority of his wish to remove his contact information from the Authority's mailing list. Failure to give such notice shall mean that the User is interested in receiving such notices.

Information and Content within the Application

The information, products and content displayed within the Application are displayed on an "As-Is" basis. The Authority shall not be liable for any error, fault, omission or inaccuracy and/or any update of the information and/or data presented in the Application, including but not limited to changes in the dates of departures or arrivals, failure to meet schedules and/or cancellation of flights, etc. In addition, the Authority shall not be liable for any damage or expense incurred as a result of such acts or omissions. In addition, the Authority shall not be responsible for the adaptation of the Application to the User's needs.

The Application may contain links to internet addresses (URLs) that are controlled by and contain information of third parties (hereinafter: "External Links"). The Authority does not guarantee that the External Links will be active or lead to an active URL and will not be responsible for the linkage and/or use of such external links. The User or anyone on his behalf shall not be heard in any claim against the Authority in connection with External Links, including with regard to the nature and quality of the External Link, the information published therein, etc.

The application may display, including through External Links, third-party content, including advertising content and information about the products or services that may be provided by those third parties. Such information is under the exclusive responsibility of third parties and the Authority is not responsible for the content, readiness and reliability of the information presented or distributed by such third parties and/or regarding the suitability of the products and/or services marketed through them, and does not recommend or encourages users to purchase the products and/or services offered through such External Links. Any use of third-party content, including any User's access to third-party URLs and/or third party software applications through reference and/or advertisement in the Application, shall be at the User's sole responsibility and subject to the terms of use and/or privacy policies of those third parties. The User shall not have any claim and/or claim against the Authority in connection therewith, including but not limited to, for any direct or indirect damages resulting from such use and/or entry and/or due to violation of privacy and/or any collection of information and/or its use by third parties.

Without derogating from the above, the Authority and/or anyone on its behalf shall not be responsible for the content of the Application, including content of software applications downloaded directly through the Application or operated as a result of the use of the Application or through External Links, their subject matter, accuracy, reliability and impact on the User and any damage, inconvenience, loss or aggravation and any direct and/or indirect damage suffered by the User, his property or third parties, due to the use of the content of this Application. The Authority shall not be a party to any engagement made through the Application between third parties and advertisers and the User.

Intellectual Property Rights

All copyrights and intellectual property rights in the Application including name, trademarks (whether registered or not) the design of the Application, the contents published therein by the Authority or on its behalf, as well as any software, application, computer code, graphic file, text and any other material contained therein - belong solely to the Authority or to a third party from which the Authority has received authorization of use.

Nothing contained, either explicitly or implied, in the Application or in its contents shall be construed as granting a license or the right to use the content therein, including any of the trademarks displayed in the Application, without the prior written consent of the Authority.

You may not copy and/or duplicate and/or distribute and/or publish and/or use the content displayed in the Application without the prior written consent of the Authority.

No action may be taken if it violates the intellectual property rights of the Authority as set forth above and/or any other right including the rights of third parties, including actions such as translation to other languages, reverse engineering, de-processing, disassembly, creation of application-based derivative works, or other alterations or attempt to use the Application or any part thereof for malicious purposes or for purposes other than the purposes of the Application.

Limitation of Liability

All content in the Application is based on information available to the Authority at the time of publication and is for informational purposes only. This content should not be viewed as a recommendation or opinion of any kind, and the use of this content shall be made solely at the User's responsibility.

Any use of the Application will be at the sole responsibility of the User. The User shall have no claim against the Authority in connection with any damages caused by the use of the Application, including indirect damages, resulting from the use of the Application, including reliance on content contained within the Application, including third party content.

It is hereby clarified that the Authority will be entitled to take action against a User who violates these Terms of Use by all means available to it under the Law.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The law applicable to the use of the Application, including these Terms of Use, shall be the Israeli law (the “Law”) to the exclusion of any other Law. The competent Courts of the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa shall have exclusive jurisdiction with regard to any dispute or matter made in relation to these Terms of Use.

It is hereby clarified that the aforesaid also applies to a User that is not a resident and/or citizen of the State of Israel, and no claim shall be raised by the User, under any circumstances, that Israel is not a proper forum for any dispute resolution and/or that foreign law should be applied.

The User agrees and confirm that he has read all of the above and that his entry into the Application constitutes acceptance of these Terms of Use and the User shall have no claim and/or demand against the Authority in that regard.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. In order to improve protection of your privacy, we provide you with the following information regarding our privacy protection policies and the alternatives available to you concerning the use of the Application and the manner in which we handle the information collected by the Application.


The terms of this Privacy Policy that are an integral part of the Terms of Use of the Application, are intended to review, inter alia, the manner in which the Authority uses information provided to it by Users of the application and/or collected by it when using the Application, as well as the manner in which the User uses the information found on the site and/or to which the User is exposed.

All terms used in the Privacy Policy shall have the meaning attributed to them in the Terms of Use.

Any information (as defined in the Protection of Privacy Law, 1981), which shall be delivered to the Authority and/or collected by the Authority and/or the Application and which will be kept by it, shall be kept in a database of the Authority and/or of anyone on its behalf, in accordance with the provisions of the Protection of Privacy Law, 1981. Providing personal information and collecting information The information collected through the Application (if collected) includes, inter alia, personal information that the User himself provided for identification and/or as contact details while entering the Application and/or for receiving any services through the Application such as name, address, e-mail, telephone number.

It is hereby clarified that the User has no obligation to provide such information, but failure to provide the required details during the use of the application may not allow and/or impair the provision of any service for that User. The User hereby waives and will be prevented from raising any claim against the Authority in connection with the withholding or not-withholding of such information in the Authority's database.

The Application also automatically collects information in relation to the User and the use of the Application performed by him. This information may include, but is not limited to:

  • Usage patterns and User activity in the Application;
  • Device identifiers or other identifiers;
  • Information relating to traffic on internet servers;

It is hereby clarified and agreed that when using the application, the Authority will be permitted to store on the User's device, files that enable the Company to identify the user while browsing (Cookies). The use of such files and/or the information collected through them will be done in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy.

Use of Information

The Authority may collect and use information provided by the User and/or the information accumulated regarding the User during the use of the Application, in order to provide the services through the Application, improve, enrich or modify the Application and/or the services, information and content offered by the Application.

In addition, the Authority may use the information for marketing and statistical purposes, by itself or by transferring it to third parties, subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy. It should be emphasized that this statistical information will not personally identify the User.

Without derogating from the foregoing, subject to the delivery of the User's contact details and his consent to receive direct mail, the Authority will be permitted to send the User (by itself and/or through anyone on its behalf), from time to time, marketing and advertising information of the Authority and/or of third parties, through e-mail and/or other contact details provided by the User. The User shall be entitled at any time to revoke its consent and thereby cease receiving such information from the Authority.

Providing Information to a Third Party

The Authority undertakes not to transfer personally identifiable information of the User to third parties, except in the following cases:

  • According to the User's request and/or with his explicit consent.
  • In the event that the User violates the Terms of Use and/or in cases where the User has performed or attempted to use the Application against the Terms of Use, including the Privacy Policy and/or the provisions of any Law.
  • Due to a Judicial Order instructing the Authority to provide the information to third parties.
  • For any dispute, claim, prosecution, demand and/or legal proceedings that will be conducted between the User and/or on his behalf and the Authority and/or anyone on its behalf.
  • In any event where the Authority believes that providing the information is necessary in order to prevent significant damage to the Authority, the User and/or third parties, or in order to prevent other significant damage, at its sole discretion.
  • In the event that the Authority has transferred and/or assigned the Application or parts thereof and/or its rights or obligations vis-a-vis the User, to third parties, provided that such third parties accept the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

It is hereby clarified, that nothing in the foregoing shall derogate from the right of the Authority to transfer to third parties, non-personal information, which does not identify the User directly by name and/or his identity details.

Access to Information

The User is entitled to require the Authority to review the information collected about the User or to amend it, subject to the provisions of any Law. In addition, the User is entitled to request the deletion of the information collected about him and which is under the control of the Authority.

Data Security

The Authority implements and assimilates advanced systems, mechanisms and procedures for data security, whose role is to ensure that the Application and information transmitted between the Application and Authority servers is kept secured and encrypted using digital certificates, in accordance with the Law. However, the Authority hereby clarifies, that it does not guarantee that the Application will run without any interference and/or that the Application and/or the data collected and/or delivered as stated above, will be completely immune against unauthorized access and/or intrusion into the Authority's databases, and that the User is aware that the Authority will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages and/or loss, including for infringement of privacy rights, caused by such unauthorized intrusion, force majeure or cases not under the Authority's control.

The Authority is not responsible for loss of information and/or damage to the User’s device, for running irregular or normal mobile applications, for accessing websites that are at risk or for hacking attempts against the Authority's Application, for any reason whatsoever.

It should be clarified that the Authority is not responsible for the content or the reliability of the information stored on the User's device.